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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Week of September!

September 5th 2012

Today, we did as much as the other classes would do, take notes; Shocker! I know right?!

Well yeah, We had also reviewed our stems for the week.

Now, most of you probably do not know what stems are. So just to be kind, I will tell you.

Stems: Usually prefixes, suffixes and root words that we memorize as vocabulary words.

Yes, our teacher is amazing... I mean hey, some teachers will just throw your words at you, tell you to memorize them, and know what all of them mean in about two days.

But Ms. Payseur is not like that, because she is amazing!!!! (Do I use that word too much?)

Now back to what we did!

We did some peer editing! Which if you don't know, is when our teacher randomly selects two or in some cases three people to group up and edit each others blogs.

Well not really edit, more like constructive criticism; But nice. Not like flamming or anything... 
But to be honest I'm positive that mine sounded like a flame, since I pointed out all these grammatical errors.... but I'm a 'Grammar Nazi' as people call it.

The thing is, I can spot other people's errors. Just not my own... weird huh?

Well anyways, I feel like demonstrating my amazing intellectual abilities by using some of the words, or 'stems' in sentences.

Nah, I change my mind I think I'm going to use a few words in ways that all of us who play ' *MMORPG, **LARP, ***RPGS' can understand.

So apparently the phrase that we know all too well '****n00b, or noob' is derived from a real word, and that word is: Neophyte!

Honestly, when our teacher asked what we thought the word meant, I was thinking: What is this mess? Is that supposed to be some fancy rock or something?

So we can now pretty much come to the conclusion, that my mind works in strange ways....

Now, I can also say that there are not many things to hate on this time.

Because you all know how I totally hated on Prezi, and copyright. (See it's only one word! Got it right this time!)

 Nor are there many things for me to praise, since school is just blah.

Definitions of nerdy words that you may, or may not know.
*- MMORPG: A MMORPG is short for Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game(s).
**-LARP: LARP or LARPing, is short for Live Action Role-Playing.
***-RPG: Is short for  Role-Playing Game.
****- N00b: Is a common term on the Internet for those who are 'newbies' or are new to something. Whether it be a website, or video game.

Now here are some pictures!!!!!
Note, the pictures of the cosplays (Or the pictures of people dressing up.) do not belong to me in anyway!

Photo of Jennifer Watts cosplaying 'Poison Ivy from Batman'. The cosplay was also made by Jennifer herself, taken in Orlando, Florida. The Photo was taken by: Wayne Warsden, Photo is not available to the public without permission from Jennifer, and it was used on September 5th 2012.
*Please note that Jennifer asked me to link her name to her YouTube,where some videos and tutorials on cosplays can be found. Also the second and third time her name is used, I linked it to her DeviantArt Page where her photo can also be found, and please note that I obtained this photo by both her and Mr.Warsden's permission.

Now that the credits are out of the way, The picture above would be an example of what someone would do when LARPing. That meaning, that they would dress up as the character that they would want to LARP.

September 9th 2012 

Today in class we learned more about grammar. Yeah, sounds fun? No!

Just no... But I did learn some things... Some of them boring.. Well a lot of them boring, but still. Some day in life I'm probably going to have to use this.... Just not at this moment.

Wait.... I do write, so maybe it will be useful; Now I think about it, I really pity my *BETA. 

Well if I had one, I would pity them... but yeah, I don't.

So yes, more about grammar. 

Now after that, we posted a current event. Which can be found through my blog on the side in the archives. Yeah, its not much... but whatever.

Well most people worked on them in class, but like the smart person I am. I did mine the 5th. See? Always thinking ahead.

Oh! We also learned about e-mail etiquette... Yes, apparently there is a special way in which you are to e-mail.

But what I think of that? It is a bunch of crap.

Why? Because it's freaking e-mail! That's what texting and calling is for.

Pssh, I'm not going to waste the amazing invention that Alexander Grambell invented for e-mail!

But, in some cases... e-mail is useful.

In my case, I have a friend who lives overseas, and when I say overseas I mean... Middle-East.

Now, don't start hating. Because, she lives way down south in Oman or Yemen, and for future reference... because I'll probably be mentioning her a lot; She used to live in England and is my 'twin'.

Yes, her and I are so alike we call each other twin, twinnie, etc.

But....... Yep, e-mailing her is about all learning etiquette is useful for, and even then she just wouldn't care.

That now concludes what we did today.

Now, are there any ways that I can demonstrate what we've done in class? Kinda, I can randomly put some sentences down... and add amazing pictures that relate to them.

Yeah, I'm just going to do that.


Link took a fighting stance before the monster.

Photo of Link from Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, available at , Date: October 24th 2010.

 Um, now that is the only example that I will give. Only because I am being lazy today.

Um, and now that I think about it. We had also learned about Google Reader..... Yeah, that was boring too, but a little useful as well.

Now time for the hating, and lovin'!

I honestly thought that learning about e-mail etiquette was a waste of time,  but the last part of it, which was about spam and stuff was interesting.... But that's it.

Today, there is nothing for me to love on... Sorry.

Until next time... or week.
Useful definitions of words you probably didn't know

*BETA- BETA or beta reader, is a term used on multiple writing websites. This term is about the person whom the writer has edit their work. Beta's usually work for free, and WANT to edit your work.


  1. WOW! Yes you do use the word amazing alot, and please avoid using words such as umm, and nah. THANK YOU! :P

    1. Thank you for reviewing my blog Storm. Also when reviewing a blog, especially when you are critiquing it is best to use proper grammar, and it is my blog so I shall put what ever word I would like.

      PS: 'alot' is two words: a lot.
      ~ love you Storm (as a friend)
