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Friday, August 31, 2012

Week of August 31st

 August 28th 2012

We learned about copyright and the other kinds of it: copyright, fair use, public domain, and creative commons.

 Copyright is a way that the creator of a work can rightfully claim it, and protect their ideas. Some ways to avoid getting in trouble with copyright laws would be: Checking an items copyright status.

 Is it copyrighted or not? Too what degree can you use it? (The item in question.)

One type of copy right is creative commons,  this is a type of copyright which says that you can use the work under certain circumstances.

Now, Photos and Images are different.

 To correctly cite, you must as I have said first check how it is copyrighted.

 You should also have: An image description, the cite URL, and date. All of which should be in the caption.

August 29th 2012

Useful definitions from my mind:
Prezi: You can create presentations on it. 
Copyright: Is an awesome little thing, that will ultimately tick me off to the extreme! But the real definition would: be a form of protection that you can place on your work, That requires a person to either ask for permission or purchase the rights to it.

Today we learned how to use Prezi, and more about copyright!
 Now Prezi, let me tell you. It flat out sucks! I do not recommend it unless you must use it... Or you know what you're doing.

Yeah, I watched the tutorial videos and I still didn't know what I was doing.

Now copyright... Let's just say that we don't agree with each other.

Now when you put these two little things together: Prezi, and copyright...
I really want to flat out rip my hair out! They are similar to younger siblings!


Now let me talk about my amazing time in Introduction to Publication!

We've learned so much about grammar! I can honestly say that I've grammatically improved, now that I know more about sentence structure. 

I've also obtained a few proof readers for my fan fictions and stories!!!!! Which you can find the links to on the right. 

Yep, I can say that this is a pretty awesome and amazing class.
Link from Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks, available at, August 31st 2012
You should be like me, and conquer Prezi, if you dare!